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Taxa de participare se achita in contul: RO09BTRLRONCRT0609838301 Banca Transilvania - Clubul de Șah Gen.Olt.Slatina
Arbitru sef: Emil Deliman - 0740 486429 Director festival: Dumitru Barbărasă – 0752 541222 pentru organizare
Festivalul International de Șah Slatina 15 - 17.11.2024 - OpenPosledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 14:43:07, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 28)
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | EloF | EloN | pohlavie | Typ | Klub |
1 | FM | Lupu, Ovidiu-Jean | 1209558 | 2030 | 0 | | S50 | Cs Metalurgistul Cugir |
2 | | Stegaroiu, Marcel-Florian | 1228013 | 1973 | 0 | | | Cs Universitatea Craiova |
3 | | Andronache, Sorin | 1288598 | 1675 | 0 | | S50 | Clubul De Sah Deva |
4 | | Nitu, Maria Roxana | 42212677 | 1656 | 0 | w | U14 | Acs Oxygen |
5 | | Rusu, Anastasia | 1295136 | 1605 | 0 | w | U16 | Cs Chitila |
6 | | Rusu, Ioana | 1296035 | 1475 | 0 | w | U14 | Cs Chitila |
7 | | Blaj, Laurentiu-Mihai | 42214270 | 1469 | 0 | | U12 | Csm Medias |
8 | | Mihaila, Maria | 42200873 | 1417 | 0 | w | U12 | Csm Medias |