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Festival de Divisiones Desamparados ADAS Setiembre 2024 2da Division Վերջին արդիացում19.09.2024 01:43:23, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2024)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Bonilla Mora, Luis Daniel | 6506089 | CRC | 1968 | Ccdr Moravia |
2 | | Vargas Arguedas, Caleb | 6524869 | CRC | 1960 | Goicoechea |
3 | | Aguero Espinoza, Sebasthian | 6550096 | CRC | 1936 | Ccdr Heredia |
4 | | Herrera Retana, Gerardo | 6524915 | CRC | 1916 | Puro Ajedrez |
5 | | Carrillo Naranjo, Gerardo | 6510876 | CRC | 1900 | ADAS |
6 | | Aguilar Pina, Luis Gerardo | 6500994 | CRC | 1892 | Desamparados |
7 | | Gonzalez Ramos, Andres | 6549055 | CRC | 1856 | Codea |
8 | | Rojas Vindas, Emmanuel De Jesus | 6548482 | CRC | 1840 | Codea |
9 | | Mayorga Jimenez, Kevin | 6511090 | CRC | 1838 | |
10 | | Bejarano Sandoval, Allan | 6501478 | CRC | 1825 | |
11 | | Murillo Arguedas, Jaime | 6501079 | CRC | 1822 | Independiente |
12 | | Miranda Flores, Samy Manuel | 6535852 | CRC | 1806 | Codea |
13 | | Morales Zumbado, Raul | 6518303 | CRC | 1800 | Puro Ajedrez |