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Seinast dagført31.08.2024 22:01:44, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.16)

Search for player Leita


1Montoya Jorge, Richard Lionel3876640PER1402
2Valdez Quihue, Benjamin Gerardo3879275PER1355
3Marquina Suarez, Arian Martin3885747PER1154
4Castillo Perales, Yago Said3892271PER1120
5Bendezu Taboada, Ian Piero3877590PER0
6Diaz De La Cruz, Juan Pablo81401132PER0
7Enriquez Diego, Darwin Jomel81411189PER0
8Hernandez Sanchez, Sebastian Henry81401140PER0
9Iman Terry, Axel Adriano81401019PER0
10Lujan Coila, Thiago Lee Manuel81421680PER0
11Navarrete Espinoza, Dario Facundo81432925PER0
12Poma Atoccsa, Wanderley81412703PER0
13Rivera Segil, Carlos Santiago3895777PER0
14Rojas Lozano, Ian Edgardo3899845PER0