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Ratings: 0-1699

X. Berecz Memorial Group C

Last update 03.12.2024 20:08:26, Creator/Last Upload: MaroczySE

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Alphabetical list of players

1Csikos, Adam7907611616HUN
2Dunai, Dome170280511573HUN
3Elekes, Lajos7343301583HUN
4Gaal, Miklos7133411685HUN
5Gut, Kende David170239121620HUN
6Huszar, Mate Bence170261721543HUN
7Karman, Laszlo170132591533HUN
8Karman, Mihaly170130701663HUN
9Kersmayer, Zsolt170334110HUN
10Kovacs, Agnes170149640HUN
11Miklos, Hanna170333901494HUN
12Miklos, Luca170333811662HUN
13Simon, Tibor170148081569HUN
14Tarko, Inez Eniko170321640HUN
15Vadkerti, Anna170111401595HUN
16Vajdi, Balazs Balint170309001421HUN
17Varga, Vencel170334620HUN