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♘♘♘ 3rd Saturday Evening Blitz at Red Knight Chess Cafe ♘♘♘

Last update 31.08.2024 16:19:26, Creator/Last Upload: Riste Menkinoski

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Starting rank

1FMCauso, Deniel5203660PHI2269
2Yulo, Adrian Othniel5222141PHI1936
3Tunguia, Edward5221030PHI1799
4Bourgin, Ilia2870096ISR1757
5Liukasemsarn, Chin6217680THA1513
6Khamkuer, Thanthorn6222200THA1449
7Balgoa, AustinTHA0
8Dumoulin, PepeTHA0
9Egor, GorbachevTHA0
10Mink, VorapitayahirunTHA0
11Rouast, OnnoTHA0
12Trefilov, IgorTHA0