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State Level School Chess Competition2024(Under 17 Boys)

Last update 02.09.2024 06:53:13, Creator/Last Upload: PRADIP KUMAR ROY

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Starting rank

1Krishanu Chowdhury5310220221523west
2Debajit Dey251708721506west
3Prithwiraj Saha251652241476gomati
4Abhijit Namasudra0dhalai
5Anik Deb0unakoti
6Anubhav Sinha0unakoti
7Apan Saha0sepahijala
8Arghadip Goswami0khowai
9Ashim Tripura0south
10Ayushman Chakraborty0gomati
11Chinmoy Majumder0unakoti
12Debamoy Barman5310219300sepahijala
13Debanjan Dey0south
14Debjoy Chowdhury0south
15Debojit Debbarma0sepahijala
16Elsonsien Halam0dhalai
17Kaushik Halam0dhalai
18Krusal Reang0dhalai
19Mainak Biswas0sepahijala
20Md Rehan Miah0west
21Mrinal Das0khowai
22Pragyan Das0gomati
23Pritam Banik0sepahijala
24Priyam Nath0north
25Rajdeep Roy0khowai
26Ranabir Dey0unakoti
27Ripan Dey0west
28Sahil Kalai0dhalai
29Saptadip Debnath0khowai
30Saptarshi Deb0north
31Somraj Chatterjee0north
32Subhajit Ghosh0khowai
33Sujan Nath0north
34Tanmoy Debnath0sepahijala