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DAV State U-19 Boys Chess Championship 2024, Mandir Hasaud

Last update 31.08.2024 12:58:20, Creator/Last Upload: CGSCA

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Starting rank

1Aatman Sahu,IND0Bacheli
2Anish Gupta,IND0Devrikhurd
3Ansh Kumar Singh,IND0Bishrampur
4Chandan Nayak,IND0Bacheli
5Divyanshu Mahobiya,IND0Devrikhurd
6Divyanshu Mishra,IND0Bishrampur
7Sourabh Gendre,IND0Bacheli
8Fame Anant,IND0Devrikhurd
9Harigovind Nair,IND0Devrikhurd
10Harigovind S. Nair,IND0Rajhara
11Manvinder Singh,IND0Bishrampur
12Mayank Gidiyal,IND0Rajhara
13Omkar Soni,IND0Bacheli
14Rudra Pratap Singh,IND0Bishrampur
15Rudransh Selot,IND0Bishrampur
16Santosh Kumar Ratre,IND0Bacheli
17Sarthak Gupta,IND0Rajhara
18Soham Gupta,IND0Rajhara
19Soumyojit Maity,IND0Rajhara
20Utkarsh Gupta,IND0Devrikhurd