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Americas Chai Mensual Agosto Libre

Last update 01.09.2024 04:40:24, Creator/Last Upload: Miguel Angel Colón Reyna

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Starting rank

1Hernandez Diaz, Paula SofiaMEX2019
2Diaz Guerrero, Jesus DanielMEX1961
3Cruz Bolanos, EloyMEX1940
4Aguirre Alvarez, AndresMEX1869
5Sanchez Lopez, Brian RicardoMEX1851
6Vargas Saldana, RafaelMEX1834
7Yanez Melendez, Carlos ArturoMEX1832
8Moya Betanzos, NahumMEX1830
9Cortes Godoy, Bryan AxelMEX1822
10Medina Zaragoza, Pedro BernardoMEX1798
11Gonzalez Rojo, Uriel AlejandroMEX1675
12Flores Guerrero, Cesar WoodstockMEX1658
13Amador Diaz, FernandoMEX1657
14Muniz Morales, Luis GerardoMEX1656
15Lazos Guillen, BrunoMEX1630
16Laris Diaz, AlanMEX1509
17Ceja Quezada, Rodrigo MarianoMEX1200
18Casillas Rodriguez, Jorge ArmandoMEX0
19Diaz Sotelo, Felipe MiguelMEX0
20Garcia Martinez, Jorge AlbertoMEX0
21Garcia Martinez, Salvador AlejandroMEX0
22Pedroza Guillen, Cesar ErnestoMEX0