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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
Retas Jaque Mate #33 اخر تحديث10.09.2024 07:51:19, منشئ/آخر رفع: Sergio Cárdenas porras
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | Quinonez Gonzalez, Isbraham Yair | 5196639 | MEX | 1855 | Chihuahua |
2 | | Gardea Coronado, Mayte Alexandra | 29645956 | MEX | 1824 | Chihuahua |
3 | | Pompa Gutierrez, Omar | 29662800 | MEX | 1775 | Chihuahua |
4 | | Ordonez Sanchez, Andrea Angelica | 29628040 | MEX | 1750 | Chihuahua |
5 | | Canez Perez, Elier Agustin | 29638445 | MEX | 1724 | Chihuahua |
6 | | Burciaga Arias, Edin | | MEX | 1696 | Chihuahua |
7 | | Dominguez Dominguez, Jesus Manuel | | MEX | 1677 | Chihuahua |
8 | | Diaz Munoz, Luis Raul | | MEX | 1661 | Chihuahua |
9 | | Bustillos Quintana, Isaac Yurem | | MEX | 1654 | Chihuahua |
10 | | Figueroa Acosta, Josue Yahel | | MEX | 1652 | Chihuahua |
11 | | Trevizo Kelly, Daniela | | MEX | 1613 | Chihuahua |
12 | | Diaz Lozano, Daniel Yosef | | MEX | 1610 | Chihuahua |
13 | | Chacon Ramirez, Rene | | MEX | 1591 | Chihuahua |
14 | | Carrillo Flores, Aylin Cristina | | MEX | 1585 | Chihuahua |
15 | | Ordonez Macias, Sandra Karina | 29638550 | MEX | 1566 | Chihuahua |
16 | | Valverde Riestra, Omer | 29641314 | MEX | 1549 | Chihuahua |
17 | | Calzadillas Ruela, Sara Fernanda | | MEX | 1534 | Chihuahua |
18 | | Nava Delgado, Gabriel Elian | 29641217 | MEX | 1532 | Chihuahua |
19 | | Mendez Marquez, Leonardo David | 5199557 | MEX | 1527 | Chihuahua |
20 | | Guillen Fraire, Saide | | MEX | 1517 | Chihuahua |
21 | | Rodriguez Nagaya, Iker Alan | | MEX | 1490 | Chihuahua |
22 | | Rios Carrillo, Alison Naomi | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
23 | | Martinez Sinaloa, Angel | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
24 | | Rios Salinas, Carlos Mateo | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
25 | | Munoz Garcia, Gabriel Eduardo | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
26 | | Diaz Lozano, Ian Raul | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
27 | | Caraveo Lozano, Juan Diego | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
28 | | Salinas Contreras, Laura Alicia | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
29 | | Marquez Lopez, Luis Angel | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
30 | | Lopez Munoz, Maria Ximena | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
31 | | Chavez Gamboa, Mateo | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
32 | | Rios Carrillo, Melisa Yamileth | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
33 | | Canez Gonzalez, Sebastian | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
34 | | Canez Gonzalez, Silvana | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
35 | | Guillen Fraire, Sury | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |
36 | CM | Arreguin Hernandez, Alan Guillermo | 5108349 | MEX | 2267 | Chihuahua |
37 | | Cardenas Lopez, Pablo Fernando | 29641020 | MEX | 1630 | Chihuahua |
38 | | Chacon RAmirez, Alan | | MEX | 0 | Chihuahua |