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Torneo de Ajedrez de Las Fiestas Patronales de Cayey Cat 1800

Posledná aktualizácia 01.09.2024 21:29:31, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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Štartová listina

1Ayala Davila, Maitreya3114902PUR1609San Juan
2Blanco Segarra, Victor3104753PUR1608Club de Ajedrez de Ponce
3Patel, Dhyaan3112357PUR1521Academia de Ajedrez Juan Santa
4Perez Quinones, Malcom J.3113035PUR1486Club de Ajedrez de Yauco
5Gonzalez Torres, William Y.3111024PUR1468Club de Ajedrez de Cayey
6Cruz Castro, Godrick3113485PUR0Guaynabo
7Cruz Castro, Onyx3113493PUR0Guaynabo
8Delgado Sanchez, Alexis O.PUR0Cayey
9Estrada Nieves, Chloe A.3114368PUR0Caguas
10Fernandez Colon, Rafael3103749PUR0Cayey
11Gonzalez Rodriguez, Miguel A.PUR0Cayey
12Gonzalez Torres, William S.3111032PUR0Club de Ajedrez de Cayey
13Melendez Fernandez, Adrian G.3114759PUR0Cayey
14Melendez Fernandez, Bryan3114708PUR0Cayey
15Melendez Lopez, Julio C.PUR0Cayey
16Ryder, Alexander3114139PUR0Humacao
17Ryder, Gabriella3114120PUR0Humacao
18Santiago Rodriguez, Alan K.3113370PUR0PRCA
19Tavhare Mashere, Suraj3114929PUR0Humacao
20Tavhare, Siddhant3114856PUR0Humacao
21Torres Centeno, Jacob J.PUR0Club de Ajedrez de Cayey
22Vazquez Torres, Axel R.PUR0Humacao