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A list of trophy-winners will be published at the 4NCL website.
Trophy-winners should expect to be contacted by Mike Truran for postal address details.

5th 4NCL Autumn Online Congress Under 1700

Last update 27.11.2024 13:33:27, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank

1Maheshwari, Shlok345611ENG1651
2Pai, Sidhanth340554ENG1631
3Aydin, Bora322095ENG1618
4Clarkson, Philip340727ENG1592
5Hodgkiss, Benjamin362984ENG1584
6Blythe, Douglas247334ENG1577
7Bamford, Paul180149ENG1569
8Coles, Rob359206ENG1558
9Freeman, Edmund345150ENG1552
10Boozorginia, Zoya342058ENG1544
11Norton, Aaron343817ENG1544
12Monk, Carl301792ENG1525
13Walker, Adrian N279777ENG1521
14Fowkes, Sam A350464ENG1506
15Hunter, Gary278555ENG1500
16Marsden, Christopher327394ENG1495
17Vernon, Colin G269827ENG1482
18Richards, Maurice A156033SCO1472
19Virgos Matilla, Luis355530ESP1455
20Cule, Jurica292107ENG1451
21Hicks, Sean359230ENG1451
22Lightfoot, David355190ENG1444
23Petuhovs, Jurijs290616ENG1438
24Kapitanski, Ivan257569BUL1432
25Horne, Michael166452ENG1431
26Jones, Andrew T157897ENG1400
27Fletcher, Ben J351859ENG1394
28Vinoth, Varshyth354747ENG1300
29Russell, Lloyd320016ENG1257
30Nuttall, Stuart369854ENG0