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48th Guernsey International Chess Festival - Blitz Tournament

Seinast dagført12.10.2024 22:36:41, Creator/Last Upload: Guernsey Chess Federation

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1GMArkell, Keith C400270ENG2286
2FMOlson, Hamish2404257SCO2181
3FMWaddington, Mike P410497ENG2069
4CMThurlow, Kevin J406104ENG1993
5Strade, Arita11603437GCI1930
6Dijksterhuis, Rolf1006452NED1922
7AFMNevska, Gerda10700366GCI1893
8Marceil, Jean20603444FRA1862
9Downey, Keith10700250WLS1845
10Stinson, William James2529793IRL1816
11Rijsdijk, Peter40101410NED1806
12Moyroud, Pierre26090759FRA1754
13Palmeri, Carlos10700692GCI0
14Palmeri, Paul10700684GCI0
15Samudra, Biswas531004660IND0