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Přebor oddílu SK Děčín

Senast uppdaterad17.01.2025 14:35:24, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 149

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1FMSejkora, Vlastimil302457CZE2097Sk Decin
2Papay, Jindrich312150CZE1863Sk Decin
3Masek, Daniel387231CZE1825Sk Decin
4Jusko, Jindrich23707364CZE1812Sk Decin
5Uhlik, Bohumil328294CZE1776Sk Slavie Decin
6Divis, Jiri336122CZE1747Sk Decin
7Radvanovsky, Petr347663CZE1604Tj Zdar Nad Sazavou Z.S.
8Safr, Jan343978CZE1559Sk Decin
9Cernoch, Jan23760281CZE1535Sk Decin
10Purkyt, Jaroslav338036CZE1521Sk Decin
11Machka, Roman23738243CZE1331Sk Decin
12Pokorny, Radek373320CZE1316Sk Decin
13Herich, Damian23757418CZE1261Sk Decin
14Riha, VitekCZE0Sk Decin
15Herich, Lukas23760303CZE0Sk Decin
16Juskova, Alzbeta23774983CZE0Sk Decin