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Přebor oddílu SK Děčín

Last update 17.01.2025 14:35:24, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 149

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Round 2 on 2024/10/04 at 17

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
112Pokorny, Radek13161 1 - 01 Uhlik, Bohumil17765
21FMSejkora, Vlastimil20971 1 Papay, Jindrich18632
33Masek, Daniel18251 0 - 11 Divis, Jiri17476
47Radvanovsky, Petr16041 ½ - ½1 Jusko, Jindrich18124
513Herich, Damian12610 1 - 00 Safr, Jan15598
69Cernoch, Jan15350 1 - 00 Herich, Lukas015
716Juskova, Alzbeta00 0 - 10 Purkyt, Jaroslav152110
811Machka, Roman13310 1 - 00 Riha, Vitek014