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HK-DB Monthly International Open (FIDE rated) Nov 2024

Last update 24.11.2024 14:34:12, Creator/Last Upload: Kidult C Academy

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Starting rank

1Lv, Ruiqi8656266CHN1768
2Lee, Gerent Chak Yan66200180HKG1765
3Tang, Tsz Sang6002340HKG1714
4Chua, Travis Vincent5273633PHI1656
5Ho, Nok Hang Jonathan6002510HKG1633
6Cao, Yusen8655669CHN1631
7AFMMahadevan, Aravind6001998HKG1612
8Lu, Yichen8640815CHN1610
9Wu, Haoyang6015620HKG1606
10Zhao, Joshua3250334AUS1549
11Zhou, Chen(Gd)8656568CHN1471
12Du, Lucas39942813USA0
13Duan, Jingtong8662274CHN0
14Li, Zhili6016618HKG0
15Wei, Xichen8659117CHN0
16Wu, Zihan6017797CHN0