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1 Sept HCA Chess Tournament

Darrera actualització01.09.2024 14:25:02, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Salem Dai

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Rànquing inicial

1Ben Ismail, Mohamed SeddikTUN0
2Ben Ismail, NourTUN0
3Ferjani, MounirTUN0
4Ferjani, yassineTUN0
5Ismail, AnasTUN0
6Ismail, TaharTUN0
7Jandoubi, JihedTUN0
8Monnolo, VincenzoTUN0
9Mrad, HatemTUN0
10Yahia, Mohamed HabibTUN0
11Yahia, tasnimTUN0
12Souissi, EzzeddineTUN0