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All Goa Inter Higher Secondary School Chess Tournament 2024(Individual) Վերջին արդիացում30.08.2024 11:14:41, Creator/Last Upload: Goa Chess Association
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | | Salvi, Paarth | | IND | 1847 | Mushtifund HSS |
2 | | | Faustino, Jomas Fernandes | 25138910 | IND | 1456 | Rosary HSS |
3 | | | Raikar, Rujesh | | IND | 1432 | Mount Litera Zee School |
4 | | | Gaude, Mayank | | IND | 1428 | Kamakshi HSS, Curti |
5 | | | Arman Nadaf, | | IND | 0 | St. Michaels |
6 | | | Chalwadi, Akash | | IND | 0 | RNMGHSS Baina |
7 | | | De Oliveira, Huentemil | | IND | 0 | Mushtifund HSS |
8 | | | Gaude, Anvesh | | IND | 0 | Kamakshi HSS, Curti |
9 | | | Gawas, Shrawani | | IND | 0 | Keshav Smruti HSS |
10 | | | Ghogale, Abirath | | IND | 0 | St. Andrews HSS (ICSE) |
11 | | | Jasiya, Guru | | IND | 0 | Keshav Smruti HSS |
12 | | | Joshi, Anish | | IND | 0 | St. Andrews HSS (ICSE) |
13 | | | Kerkar, Vedang | | IND | 0 | Saraswati HSS |
14 | | | Lingsugur, Pavanaj | | IND | 0 | Kendriya Vidhyalay-I |
15 | | | M.D. Amin, | | IND | 0 | St. Michaels |
16 | | | Mishra, Prem | | IND | 0 | Deep Vihar HSS |
17 | | | Naik, Prajwal | | IND | 0 | Saraswati HSS |
18 | | | Palsarkar, Sairaj | | IND | 0 | Deep Vihar HSS |
19 | | | Patel, Rehan | | IND | 0 | Vademnagar HSS |
20 | | | Raul, Manas | | IND | 0 | Vademnagar HSS |
21 | | | Sangelkar, Soyam | | IND | 0 | Rosary HSS |
22 | | | Saroj, Kamal | | IND | 0 | RNMGHSS Baina |
23 | | | Shetty, Lakesh | | IND | 0 | Shantadurga HSS |
24 | | | Shetty, Smaran | | IND | 0 | Mount Litera zee School |
25 | | | Singh, Saksham | | IND | 0 | Shantadurga HSS |