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Juegos Deportivos Estudiantiles Nacionales 2024 - Blitz Femenino

Վերջին արդիացում30.08.2024 01:10:37, Creator/Last Upload: erickmarvinguevarasanchez

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1WCMVasquez Vasquez, Marielos6705723ESA1888
2Arriaza, Allison Charlize6705669ESA1620
3Perez, Alexia6709052ESA1533
4Grande, Melissa Abigail6710670ESA1520
5Cruz Galvez, America Julissa6710158ESA1514
6Mendoza, Emma Lily6710182ESA1409
7Flores Ayala, Nathaly GuadalupeESA0
8Flores Franco, Nohelia StefanyESA0
9Perez Barahona, Izzie MichelleESA0
10Romero Martinez, HelenESA0
11Rovira Medrano, Angie VereniceESA0