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Last update 29.08.2024 18:49:24, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 150)

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Starting rank

1Cohen, AlonISR2111
2Tsafrir, ItayISR1970
3Leonoff, LeonardoISR1965
4Casoy, OfirISR1874
5HArt, AlonISR1820
6Yeoshua, AzgadISR1801
7Shoresh, AviadISR1720
8Cohen, NitayISR1700
9Waxman, MarkISR1692
10Lukovsky, LevISR1602
11Feldman, NadavISR1600
12Genuth, DovISR1500
13Lipton, YosefISR1500
14Kaminesky, EladISR1390
15Leshem, ShefaISR1199