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White Nile Chess Academy Juniors Competiton no. 54

Seinast dagført01.09.2024 08:25:06, Creator/Last Upload: White Nile Chess Academy

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1Makke Hamed, AtifSUD1744
2Hisham, MohamedSUD1729
3Mohamed Altom, Abd almgethSUD1700
4Ali, AbdallahSUD1700
5Alshafee, AbdallahSUD1700
6Mosa, AbdallahSUD1700
7Moawia, AhmedSUD1700
8Abo Median, AkramSUD1700
9Loai, AlakhtalSUD1700
10Mohamed Soliman, AltiganeSUD1700
11Saif aldeen, GamarSUD1700
12Ibraheim, HamedSUD1700
13Nasreldeen, HosamSUD1700
14Algaile, MohamedSUD1700
15Awad, MohamedSUD1700
16Makke Hamed, MohamedSUD1700
17Mosa, OlaSUD1700
18Ahmed, OsamaSUD1700
19Sedeg, OthmanSUD1700
20Mohamed Hassan, RoaaSUD1700
21Mohamed Hassan, RobaSUD1700
22Abdallah, SadeenSUD1700
23Abdallah, TaleenSUD1700