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Kejurprov Catur Standar Senior Putri Ke 49 Kalimantan Tengah Tahun 2024

Last update 31.08.2024 05:55:30, Creator/Last Upload: IA/IO Bunawan

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Starting rank

1Anggraeni Putri Esterlita,INA0P. Raya A
2Anisa Nur Shaleha,INA0Barut A
3Chindi Natalia,INA0LMD
5Entin Suhertini,INA0Barsel
6Amanda Amelia,INA0Kotim A
8Margaretta Novy Kristiani,INA0Kobar
9Melda Putri,INA0Barsel
10Sandra Pratiwi Mediva,INA0Gumas
11Siti Fatimah,INA0P. Raya
12Yusnita Indah Lestari,INA0Pulpis
14Dea Islam Aprelia,INA0Pulpis
15Sandra P,INA0Gumas