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Sunday Rated Rapid Tournament - September 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony22.09.2024 22:42:59, Creator/Last Upload: StLuciaChess

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1Lindo, Terence7400942JAM1808
2Cilpa, D'yorni23000848LCA1766
3Smith, Navi23000694LCA1525
4Smith, Irvin11104759LCA1471
5Leonce, Anu I K23000775LCA1229
6Joseph, Jamari23000490LCA1162
7Charlie, Rylan23001003LCA1118
8Leonce, Prince Khai-Addae23000791LCA1100
9Eliotte, Sam23000562LCA1084
10Leonce, Nwt23000783LCA1077
11Nunez, Leon23001054LCA1037
12Regis, Leran23000732LCA1034
13Ernest, Liam23001046LCA795
14Leonce, Selehi Smekhkare Heru23001070LCA500
15Emmanuel, Eli23001011LCA201
16Sleiman, Daniel23001089LCA0
17Virgile, Yul Irey23001097LCA0