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Sunday Rated Blitz Tournament - September 2024

Darrera actualització15.09.2024 21:14:27, Creador/Darrera càrrega: StLuciaChess

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Rànquing inicial

1Lindo, Terence7400942JAM1775
2Cilpa, D'yorni23000848LCA1766
3Nunez, Daniel23000198LCA1595
4Leonce, Anu I K23000775LCA1475
5Sylvestre, Cassim23000937LCA1039
6Leonce, Khai-Addae23000791LCA800
7Nunez, Leon23001054LCA700
8Leonce, Nwt23000783LCA400
9Emmanuel, Eli23001011LCA0
10Ernest, Liam23001046LCA0
11Gilbert, Giana23000651LCA0
12Joseph, Jamari23000490LCA0
13Nunez, Noah23001062LCA0