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1000GM St. Louis IM Norm Tournament #5

Seinast dagført09.09.2024 20:43:05, Creator: William Broich,Last Upload:

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

8GMNyzhnyk, Illya14118084UKR2573
4IMWilliams, Justus2049929USA2361
2IMWang, Tianqi2063824USA2330
1WGMCervantes, Thalia3520498USA2303
7NMKaplan, Avi30934559USA2273
5NMProleiko, Julian30900255USA2232
10WIMCaglar, Sila6364063TUR2191
3NMLadan, Nicholas30918855USA2189
6NMGhazaryan, Raffi13308505ARM2086
9WFMPatel, Dhyana35006908IND2040