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2nd City Chess Classic Վերջին արդիացում26.09.2024 16:16:50, Creator/Last Upload: CityChess
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
7 | | | Rakhmatullaev, Muhammadsolih | 14225298 | UZB | 1918 |
5 | | | Kasimov, Rauf | 14226960 | UZB | 1903 |
3 | | | Kudratov, Bekhruz | 14216779 | UZB | 1902 |
8 | | | Shavkatov, Temur | 14227754 | UZB | 1815 |
9 | | | Sobirov, Afruzbek | 14225867 | UZB | 1815 |
1 | | | Khvan, Vadim | 14227029 | UZB | 1629 |
6 | | | Omonov, Saidamin | 14226812 | UZB | 1612 |
10 | | | Belaya, Liliya | 14223830 | UZB | 1596 |
4 | | | Jumavaev, Bekzod | 14228459 | UZB | 1508 |
2 | | | Toshpulatov, Javokhir | 14231999 | UZB | 1455 |