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Scarecrow Allegro Major 2024

Last update 22.09.2024 18:18:24, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank list

1Kane, Robert420468ENG1753ED
2Mcintyre, John W2404044SCO1531PO
3Karthick, Alagu Naachiappan2410990SCO1519PO
4Warcup, Richard2408589SCO1490ST
5Mcgregor, Donald2412470SCO1442CC
6Lohmann, Rene34616373GER1428EU
7Al Dakl Alla, Humam2410150SCO1395LZ
8O`hanlon, Pat2411156SCO1395BH
9Balaji, Lochan343411673SCO1375LZ
10Prakash, Sumanth2411555SCO1336LZ
11Lopez Henderson, Kyle2413310SCO1333LZ
12Reid, Caitlin2405059SCO1332RS
13Aitken, T W2415445SCO1310KW
14Conway, Ciaran2414066SCO1253TR