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Sällskapets Höstsnabb 2024 Վերջին արդիացում18.09.2024 11:57:50, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schacksallskap
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | FM | Thorn, Eric | 1710729 | SWE | 2282 |
2 | | Mittelberger, Peter | 1602942 | AUT | 2109 |
3 | | Sollerman, Mattias | 1730495 | SWE | 2056 |
4 | | Carlsson, Nils | 1705300 | SWE | 2034 |
5 | | Ral Lustig, Melvin | 1764195 | SWE | 2005 |
6 | | Ljungros, Lo | 1760114 | SWE | 1944 |
7 | | Ivarsson, Anders | 1768158 | SWE | 1929 |
8 | | Brolin, Viktor | 1727699 | SWE | 1916 |
9 | | Evertsson, Rune | 1704184 | SWE | 1913 |
10 | | Dingertz, Gustav | 1767917 | SWE | 1907 |
11 | | Johansson, Nicklas | 1735527 | SWE | 1902 |
12 | | Karlsson, Elias | 1718894 | SWE | 1881 |
13 | | Lille, Karl | 1783009 | SWE | 1879 |
14 | CM | Helin, Mikael | 1703838 | SWE | 1877 |
15 | | Molin, Nils | 1759175 | SWE | 1854 |
16 | | Karlman, Bodi | 1774328 | SWE | 1836 |
17 | | Johansson, Christer 1973 | 1714414 | SWE | 1805 |
18 | | Hahne, Christofer | 1742981 | SWE | 1783 |
19 | | Fahlman, Jakob | 1771094 | SWE | 1770 |
20 | | Masoudi, Karam | 1752820 | SWE | 1744 |
21 | | Jansson, William 1996 | 1768751 | SWE | 1727 |
22 | | Knoppel, Bjorn | 1712233 | SWE | 1725 |
23 | | Bergqvist, Morris | 1776908 | SWE | 1721 |
24 | | Horvath, Adam | 1722220 | SWE | 1671 |
25 | | Dillen, Sten | 1708210 | SWE | 1626 |
26 | | Gustavsson, Tuve | 1743392 | SWE | 1563 |
27 | | Liolis, Emmanouil | 1768166 | SWE | 1545 |
28 | | Rafe, Adin | 1771531 | SWE | 1504 |
29 | | Moore, Daniel | 1777505 | SWE | 1463 |
30 | | Kurtiz, Mirza | 1722255 | SWE | 1437 |
31 | | Alm, Ture | 1789120 | SWE | 0 |
32 | | Eklund, Axel | | SWE | 0 |
33 | | Eriksson, Christian | 1787233 | SWE | 0 |
34 | | Stighall, Leon | | SWE | 0 |
35 | | Vasquez, Valerij | | SWE | 0 |