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بمركز شباب برق العز

Barq El Ezz 27 Rapid

Last update 30.08.2024 20:32:45, Creator/Last Upload: GAMAL ABOLKHAIR

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Starting rank

1Awadhom, Rabea10605614EGY2021
2Mohamed Housein, Ahmed10695230EGY1964
3Alhawee, Ahmed10675590EGY1939
4Awadhom, Elsayed10602933EGY1920
5Abdel Rab Elnaby, Anas10693440EGY1908
6Azmey Anies, Mahmoud10691855EGY1902
7Elkholy, Abdalla10628797EGY1848S60
8Elawamy, Wael10612980EGY1846
9Tharwat, Mohamed10668845EGY1779
10Elgamal, Amgad10612300EGY1756
11Diaa Nassar, Seif54255872EGY1718U16
12Hamed Atya, Omar54255902EGY1688U16
13Elaqbaawy, Reda10694056EGY1682
14Sherif Kandil, Moemen54221862EGY1672U16
15Eldakrory, Kareem10666400EGY1635
16Abdel Rahman Eldsoky, Mohamed54253314EGY1612
17Khaled, Omar10691898EGY1606
18Hamada Abozed, Ibrahim54259029EGY1597U16
19Khedr, Elsaeed10637192EGY1576S60
20Kherd, Abdelwahab10670351EGY1545S60
21Mohamed Salah, Salah54233038EGY1543U16
22Elawamey, AhmedEGY0U16
23Maged Abdelhak, Mohamed54279585EGY0
24Mohamed Elsayed, AhmedEGY0
25Sabrey Badran, Moaz54279755EGY0U16
26Saed Abdel Maged, MohamedEGY0
27Ayman Ahmed, Abdel Rahman54232210EGY1780