2. Frauenbundesliga West AUT 2024/2025

Organizer(s)Österreichischer Schachbund
FederationAustria ( AUT )
Tournament directorAnker Ina
Chief ArbiterIA Fleischhacker, Christian 1605933
Time control (Standard)90min, 30sec/move
Number of rounds3
Tournament typeRound robin for teams
Rating calculationRating national, Rating international
Date2024/11/16 to 2025/01/19
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 02.10.2024 21:37:14, Creator/Last Upload: SV Pamhagen

Tournament selection1.BL, 2. BL Mitte, 2. BL Ost, BL West, 1. FBL, 2. FBL Ost, 2. FBL Mitte , 2. FBL West
Parameters No tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
ListsRanking crosstable (MP), Ranking crosstable (Pts.), Team-Composition without round-results, Team-Pairings of all rounds, Playing schedule
Starting rank list of players, Alphabetical list, Alphabetical list all groups
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Ranking crosstable (Pts.)

Rk.Team1234 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1SK Dornbirn 2 * 003
2Schach ohne Grenzen * 003
3Steinitz Salzburg * 003
4SK Dolomitenbank Lienz 2 * 003

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints