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Scarecrow Allegro Open 2024

Senast uppdaterad22.09.2024 18:18:32, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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1IMMegalios, Konstantinos4238044GRE2308
2Vijayakumar, Rishi2408953SCO2006CH
3Skettos, Nicolas5900670CYP1955PO
4Blackford, Ross2409011SCO1885DR
5Ahmed, Alistair M2405032SCO1874RS
6Paul, Rabindra2403048SCO1870CW
7Mckay, Jonathan2405512SCO1836SC
8Wadhwa, Prateek46667040IND1831GU
9Sprenger De La Iglesia, Yevgeni54798175ESP1826GW
10Mccormack, Derek2406306SCO1824PA
11Dudkin, Ruslan14197979UKR1791AR
12Sharma, Devesh2410818SCO1718EA
13Semenov, Igor2411326SCO1689HA
14Mcclymont, Duncan2414503SCO1425GU