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Dundee Chess Congress Major 2024 Վերջին արդիացում13.10.2024 23:40:12, Creator/Last Upload: DundeeCongress
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Kane, Robert | 420468 | ENG | 1796 |
2 | | Matthew, Ian G | 423165 | ENG | 1785 |
3 | | Floros, Antonios | 2404605 | SCO | 1775 |
4 | | Mcleod, Alisdair | 2413655 | SCO | 1773 |
5 | | Cavanagh, Mike | 2405830 | SCO | 1760 |
6 | | Gunn-Russell, Charles | 2408694 | SCO | 1751 |
7 | | Hiatt, Alan P | 421081 | ENG | 1726 |
8 | | Irving, Neil | 2402238 | SCO | 1726 |
9 | | Keenan, Alex | 2409518 | SCO | 1720 |
10 | | Carter, Richard G | 2401754 | SCO | 1704 |
11 | | Webb, Nicholas | 2517302 | IRL | 1692 |
12 | | Drabych, Vladyslav | 34151230 | SCO | 1684 |
13 | | Sneddon, Iain D | 2410141 | SCO | 1677 |
14 | | Clinton, William | 2406420 | SCO | 1662 |
15 | | Mcnaught, Jordan J | 2410656 | SCO | 1645 |
16 | | Heron, Donald | 416282 | SCO | 1633 |
17 | | Clark, Adam | 2414830 | SCO | 1614 |
18 | | Logue, David | 2406411 | SCO | 1614 |
19 | | Aitchison, A Keith | 2403072 | SCO | 1612 |
20 | | Hall, David G | 2402394 | SCO | 1609 |
21 | | Mckenna, John | 2413752 | SCO | 1609 |
22 | | Smith, Stephen H | 2402670 | SCO | 1599 |
23 | | Murray, Euan | 2410877 | SCO | 1589 |
24 | | Darling, Callum | 2412543 | SCO | 1586 |
25 | | Brennan, J Ross | 2403773 | SCO | 1566 |
26 | | Simpson, Carrick | 2413698 | SCO | 1565 |
27 | | Boyd, William J | | SCO | 1564 |
28 | | Gibb, Robert A | 2407779 | SCO | 1562 |
29 | | Montgomery, David C | 2412322 | SCO | 1557 |
30 | | Mcintyre, Fraser | 2410800 | SCO | 1543 |
31 | | Barron-Majerik, Jan | 2406195 | SCO | 1526 |
32 | | Harkins, William | 2406438 | SCO | 1517 |
33 | | Seijas Otero, Ana Belen | 24593648 | ESP | 1517 |
34 | | Graham, James | 2410958 | SCO | 1510 |
35 | | Rose, Keith S | 2404109 | SCO | 1504 |
36 | | Olson, Leo | 2413876 | SCO | 1502 |
37 | | Harley, Trevor | 2409631 | SCO | 1500 |
38 | | Kerridge, Simon | 2404338 | SCO | 1491 |
39 | | Emery, Keith | 2403080 | SCO | 1460 |
40 | | Banerjee, Subhayu | 2406462 | SCO | 1449 |
41 | | Matheson, Lewis A | 2412489 | SCO | 1436 |
42 | | Thomson, Steve | 2415429 | SCO | 1430 |
43 | | Mcgregor, Donald | 2412470 | SCO | 1427 |
44 | | Denham, Zac M | 2413191 | SCO | 1409 |
45 | | Young, Colin | 2408635 | SCO | 1409 |
46 | | Bogs, Moritz | | SCO | 1408 |
47 | | Kelly, Liam Francis | 2529530 | SCO | 1398 |
48 | | Neave, Stuart | 2415666 | SCO | 1391 |
49 | | Flood, Raymond | 2407604 | SCO | 1378 |
50 | | Cairns, Douglas | | SCO | 1372 |
51 | | Prabhu, Aadith | 2410400 | SCO | 1370 |
52 | | Hunter, Matthew | 2415348 | SCO | 1365 |
53 | | Prakash, Sumanth | 2411555 | SCO | 1349 |
54 | | Pearston, John M | 2405202 | SCO | 1346 |
55 | | Wilson, Holly | | SCO | 1300 |
56 | | Galbraith, David | 2408481 | SCO | 1193 |
57 | | Huang, Yushu | 2413302 | SCO | 1184 |
58 | | Uegaki, Haruo | 2414023 | SCO | 1095 |