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Last update 26.08.2024 23:07:28, Creator/Last Upload: Rogério Kester

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1Moreira, Benjamim AraujoBRAMETROPOLITANA
2De Oliveira Junior, Cleberson VianaBRAGUAPORE
3Geraldo, Guilherme AlvesBRAGUAPORE
4Melo Filho, Jeferson Branchier P.BRACENTRO
5Bispo, Joao Pedro RodriguesBRAZONA DA MATA
6Bezerra Neto, JoseBRANOROESTE
7Brioli, Luiz Fernando NogueiraBRAZONA DA MATA
8Torres, Mateus SaraivaBRANORTE
9De Souza, Matheus Oliveira MarinhoBRACENTRO OESTE
10Wenzel, Pedro HilbertBRANORTE
11Abreu, Phelipe Gabriel AguisBRACONE SUL
12Medeiros, Rafael MazuttiBRACONE SUL
13Cella, Ricardo ListonBRAMETROPOLITANA
14Noia, Vitor Odilei SilvaBRACENTRO