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Torneio Interno G. D. Amarante 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 31.08.2024 02:15:51, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERAÇÃO CABO-VERDIANA DE XADREZ

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Štartová listina

1Santos, Steven José23602058CPV1905G.D. Amarante
2Pereira, Éder Márcio2179156CPV1797G.D. Amarante
3Neves, Diogo Alexandre23600896CPV1780G.D. Amarante
4Silva, Victor Gastão23600411CPV1658G.D. Amarante
5Lopes, Victor Manuel23602112CPV1628G.D. Amarante
6Fonseca, Arlindo Porfírio23600187CPV1598G.D. Amarante
7Fonseca, Adilson Manuel23602163CPV1585G.D. Amarante
8Lima, Flávio Emiter23602392CPV1560G.D. Amarante
9Lima, José Calazans23600268CPV1487G.D. Amarante
10Andrade, Manuel Germano23600438CPV1477G.D. Amarante
11Cruz, João Baptista23600390CPV1470G.D. Amarante
12Castro, Dioniso Amadeu23601906CPV1458G.D. Amarante
13Brito, Helton John23602376CPV0G.D. Amarante