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# Only Fide Rated Or National Players are Allowed ##

Sponsored By - Mr. S.K. Vaishnav ( Joint Secy. CGSCA)
Venue Partner - B. Manian ( Bichu Bhai)

Mr. Hemant Khute (Secy. CGSCA ) Birthday Celebration Chess Championship - 2024, Ambikapur

Last update 26.08.2024 14:26:06, Creator/Last Upload: CGSCA

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Starting rank

1Gautam, Keshari46637150IND1786CCS
2Jaiswal, S R25080210IND1705CCS
3Siddharth, Ambast48796816IND1630CCS
4Saroj, Kumar Vaishnav45030677IND1629CCS
5Anish, Ansari25103873IND1615CCS
6Yeejnansh, Gupta48703001IND1473CCS
7Rakesh, Verma25661108IND1435CCS
8Satyjeet Mishra,IND0CCS