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Entrega de premis i torneig llampec 3+2
Dia 4 de desembre 19.15h

IV Memorial Joan Segura Grup B

Last update 27.11.2024 23:23:16, Creator/Last Upload: Daniel Leiro Giralt

not paired

5Adam, SophiaCAT***
29Agut Alvarez, Josep LluisCAT*
53Ayllon Barranco, MiguelCAT*
15Bagur Cantallops, AntoniCAT*
56Bartomeus Plana, RamonCAT*
17Bertrand, SjorsNED**
40Castillo Rosa, Jose LuisCAT*
63Chalmeta Torredemer, SantiagoCATbye*
33Delgado Fernandez, LuisCAT**
10Diaz Clemente, GonzaloCAT**
21Domenche Redondo, FrancescCAT*
28Domenech Flores, JordiCAT*
49Febrero Perez, LluisCAT**
43Garcia Fernandez, DidacCAT***
12AFMGarcia Garrido, FerranCAT***
62Hurtado Farre, IldefonsCAT**
13Langstrom, SammyCAT***
25Madrid Sole, AntonioCAT**
55Majoral Marco, JavierCATbye
64Marine Cabrisses, CarlesCAT*bye
52Maugeri, PaoloCAT**
26Membrives Pino, DidacCAT****
54Palmarola I Creus, Antoni Maria ClaretCAT********
61Pereniguez Escuder, Jose MariaCATbye
14Pico Garcia, AntoniCAT*******
16Rams Domenech, RogerCAT**
41Riera Mestres, JosepCAT*
38Rovira Homs, Luis IgnacioCAT***
4Salom Jovani, OriolCAT*******
35Samper Gonzalez, PedroCAT**
46Soriano Rafel, XavierCAT**
58Sorribas Girona, CarlesCAT***