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Cork Chess Club - Summer Rapidplay Aug 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 25.08.2024 18:45:34, Creator/Last Upload: Gubbins

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Štartová listina

1Murphy, Sean J.IRL2096Cork
2Geaney-O'Brien, DavidIRL1921Cork
3McGrath, MarkIRL1803Cork
4Ranade, AkshayIRL1750Cork
5Brito, FrancoIRL1720Kinsale Chess Mates
6O'Rourke, AlexIRL1660Cork
7Kempf, JedIRL1649Cork
8O'Driscoll, RyanIRL1572Cork
9O'Mahony, CianIRL1545Cork
10Kelleher, SeanIRL1532Kinsale Chess Mates
11Bhattacharjee, KrishIRL1486Cork
12Kardkovacs, AkosIRL1462Kinsale Chess Mates
13McKeown, TomIRL1451Cork
14Chakka, Sidhardha VardhanIRL1434Cork
15O'Mahony, DavidIRL1424Cork
16Mialuk, KirillIRL1400
17Jagtap, AdhishIRL1397Cork
18Kelly, RonanIRL1389Cork
19Chakka, Harsha VardhanIRL1287Cork
20Shtoiko, YaroslavIRL1200
21O'Keeffe, LiamIRL1172
22Bhavanibhatla, Saurya ShrihanIRL0Cork
23Cashman, KianIRL0
24Djeddoul, YacineIRL0Cork
25Mindhe, GauriIRL0Cork
26O'Keeffe, DylanIRL0Cork