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Karpovians 13th Junior Chess Tournament (Under 14)

Վերջին արդիացում28.08.2024 22:11:23, Creator/Last Upload: Karpov Chess Club - Karachi

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Muhriz, Shakeel7824742PAK1773
2Syed, Zayaan Ali7827776PAK1555
3Ahmed, Mustafa Memon7821654PAK1545
4Abubakr, Vohra7818220PAK1483
5Aarib, Hammad7834519PAK0
6Amaan, Saad Garib7834500PAK0
7Asher, Saad7831153PAK0
9Qazi Fareed Uddin Ahmed,7836120PAK0
10Syed Mazher Ul Husnain,7836090PAK0
11Syed Muhammad Khulayd,7836007PAK0
12Syed, Sibtain Hasan7830416PAK0