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Berks & Bucks 2024 Challengers A

Posledná aktualizácia 26.08.2024 21:38:00, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Štartová listina

1Milnes, Anthony CP409634ENG1924
2Berkley, Stephen W486850ENG1817
3Liu, Jacob496960ENG1794
4Pradhan, Ayan498319ENG1780
5Sui, Yueyue343411924ENG1778
6Reed, Duncan WENG1749
7Bryant, Jeffrey343405703ENG1742
8Carter, Lance G457620ENG1728
9Poliakov, Andrii34174710UKR1708
10Sellick, Simon C443328ENG1676
11Sood, Vineet343111543ENG1647
12Miller, Craig343424325ENG1611
13Usher, Frank450677ENG1564
14Horwood, Alexander343403905ENG1538
15Ganesh, Shruthisriya343433901ENG1469
16Taramov, Magomed34414924ENG1437