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Berks & Bucks 2024 Championship

Darrera actualització26.08.2024 21:37:15, Creador/Darrera càrrega: 4NCL

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Rànquing inicial

1CMBullen, Alex1801627WLS2254
2FMSmith, Andrew P2500833IRL2232
3Seymour, Timothy P412112ENG2220
4Garcia, Oscar2256380ESP2202
5Hill, Alistair432407ENG2187
6Wiratunga, Jenith AY452335SRI2140
7Moore, Gerald403440ENG2114
8Damodaran, Patrick465429ENG2085
9Rogers, Tim L418137ENG2078
10Terler, Bohdan34102264UKR2041
11Wager, John D420204ENG2035
12Arora, Tashika459305ENG2030
13Chris Biju, Calvin343435092ENG2008
14Schell, Finn343406378ENG1998
15Faulkner, Adam454320ENG1988
16Kilambi, Venkata Ananth Akshay489395ENG1966
17De Coverly, Roger D405213ENG1956
18Hariharan, Shambavi488160ENG1955
19Bullock, Charles ES442550ENG1952
20Milnes, Anthony CP409634ENG1924
21Faulkner, Martin J437891ENG1885