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JSG Chinchwad 2024 Male 26 to 40 Rapid Chess Championship Վերջին արդիացում25.08.2024 12:40:45, Creator/Last Upload: Monish Sports World
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Rushabh, B | | | 1390 | 26TO 40 |
2 | | Saurabh, B | | | 1380 | 26TO 40 |
3 | | Sanket, J | | | 1370 | 26TO 40 |
4 | | Kalpesh, B | | | 1360 | 26TO 40 |
5 | | Pranav, K | | | 1350 | 26TO 40 |
6 | | Vinit, J | | | 1340 | 26TO 40 |
7 | | Vishal, L | | | 1330 | 26TO 40 |
8 | | Swapnil, K | | | 1320 | 26TO 40 |
9 | | Pankaj, B | | | 1310 | 26TO 40 |
10 | | Piyush, L | | | 1300 | 26TO 40 |