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2024 VEXX Sponsored by Barbados Olympic Association and Rock Hard Cement

Վերջին արդիացում02.09.2024 01:41:45, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1FMCorbin, Philip11100036BAR1916
2Wilson, Louis11104368BAR1758
3Grant, Travis11105399BAR1690
4Little, Savion11106883BAR1678
5Clarke, Noah11106654BAR1648
6La Touche, Cyprian11104651BAR1614
7Clarke, Loki11106646BAR1600
8Sinckler, Mileke11105950BAR1576
9Farley, Jeremiah11106972BAR1527
10Springer, Leshay11105690BAR1425
11King, Ernest11106050BAR0
12Singh, Aidan11107391BAR0
13Stuart, Charis11106921BAR0
14Sparman, Alfred11106042BAR0