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Posledná aktualizácia 24.08.2024 15:24:44, Creator/Last Upload: WACANA_2023

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Štartová listina

1Agus Kaunang,INA0
2Bpk Tombeng,INA0
3David Kaunang,INA0
4Dedit Talaumbanua,INA0
5Deky Kaunang,INA0
6Denny Abast,INA0
7Hendra Sajow,INA0
8Jeisen Tololiu,INA0
9Kaliktus Puah,INA0
10Matius Koraag,INA0
11Refly Zeke,INA0
12Roy Pessak,INA0
13Welly Purukan,INA0
14Yoke Sajow,INA0