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22nd ASEAN+ Age-group chess championships 2024 - Blitz Open 14 Վերջին արդիացում30.08.2024 08:30:20, Creator/Last Upload: Lao Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Nguyen, Vuong Tung Lam | 12417440 | VIE | 2034 |
2 | | Nguyen, Anh Huy | 12435309 | VIE | 2004 |
3 | | Nguyen, Manh Duc | 12419648 | VIE | 1995 |
4 | | Nguyen, Nam Kiet | 12425346 | VIE | 1936 |
5 | | Nguyen, Quang Minh | 12424609 | VIE | 1906 |
6 | | Phan, Tran Bao Khang | 12418005 | VIE | 1858 |
7 | | Duong, Vu Anh | 12424803 | VIE | 1850 |
8 | | Dang, Nguyen Tien Dung | 12424447 | VIE | 1797 |
9 | | Nguyen, Hoang Khanh | 12424919 | VIE | 1767 |
10 | | Young, Lord Yofiel | 5292972 | PHI | 1765 |
11 | | Pham, Viet Thien Phuoc | 12419010 | VIE | 1649 |
12 | | Le, Dang Khoi | 12419370 | VIE | 1596 |
13 | | Dam, Quoc Bao | 12423491 | VIE | 1570 |
14 | | Nguyen, Chi Phong | 12440647 | VIE | 1556 |
15 | | Inthavong, Bounthanh | 17702143 | LAO | 0 |
16 | | Nguyen, Sunjon Kayden | 17701996 | LAO | 0 |
17 | | Pitukwongroj, Natthaphon | 17701961 | LAO | 0 |