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22nd ASEAN+ Age-group chess championships 2024 - Blitz Open 12 Posledná aktualizácia 30.08.2024 08:28:38, Creator/Last Upload: Lao Chess Federation
Štartová listina
č. | | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Nguyen, Tung Quan | 12432067 | VIE | 1995 |
2 | | Tong, Nguyen Gia Hung | 12426253 | VIE | 1808 |
3 | | Nguyen, Vu Bao Lam | 12432105 | VIE | 1807 |
4 | | Le, Huynh Tuan Khang | 12429520 | VIE | 1804 |
5 | | Nguyen, Le Nguyen | 12426792 | VIE | 1801 |
6 | | Trieu, Gia Huy | 12425109 | VIE | 1777 |
7 | | Hoang, Anh Kiet | 12424820 | VIE | 1758 |
8 | | Le, Anh Tu | 12424846 | VIE | 1741 |
9 | | Tran, Hai Trieu | 12431249 | VIE | 1722 |
10 | | Do, Tien Quang Minh | 12428647 | VIE | 1715 |
11 | | Valencia, John Curt | 5248078 | PHI | 1715 |
12 | | Trinh, Hoang Lam | 12436950 | VIE | 1639 |
13 | | Nguyen, Nhat Nam | 12431729 | VIE | 1634 |
14 | | Le, Vinh Tri | 12442259 | VIE | 1621 |
15 | | Ly, Minh Huy | 12426237 | VIE | 1591 |
16 | | Chaluenviseth, Phonepitak | 17702160 | LAO | 0 |
17 | | Henricksen, James Soukchai | 17701783 | LAO | 0 |
18 | | Huynh, Phu Thinh | 12458481 | VIE | 0 |
19 | | Lin, Dominicus Winston | 7135106 | INA | 0 |
20 | | Phanouvong, Marvin | 17702240 | LAO | 0 |
21 | | Shwe, Yee Poe Eaint | 13024744 | MYA | 0 |
22 | | Sibouaphanh, Aphivath | 17702275 | LAO | 0 |
23 | | Silimongkhon, Pitukwongroj | 17701724 | LAO | 0 |
24 | | Toe, Ghon Shein Linn | 13024752 | MYA | 0 |
25 | | Yomvilath, Souminta | 17702135 | LAO | 0 |