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22nd ASEAN+ Age-group chess championships 2024 - Rapid Girls 16 Վերջին արդիացում29.08.2024 13:56:51, Creator/Last Upload: Lao Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Ton, Nu Quynh Duong | 12415847 | VIE | 1906 |
2 | | Nguyen, Binh Vy | 12419966 | VIE | 1878 |
3 | | Vu, My Linh | 12413267 | VIE | 1844 |
4 | | Nguyen, Thuy Linh | 12417327 | VIE | 1832 |
5 | | Ho, Ngoc Vy | 12415723 | VIE | 1799 |
6 | | Mai, Hieu Linh | 12415740 | VIE | 1774 |
7 | | Vo, Dinh Khai My | 12417262 | VIE | 1758 |
8 | | Adeline, Clementia | 7132085 | INA | 1753 |
9 | | Borce, Cyreine Jean | 5275083 | PHI | 1720 |
10 | | Mawaddah, Zarquel | 7125585 | INA | 1648 |
11 | | Ventolero, Khana Kathrine | 5283914 | PHI | 1643 |
12 | | Regidor, Kaye Lalaine | 5229820 | PHI | 1629 |
13 | | Tran, Thi Hong Ngoc | 12418552 | VIE | 1628 |
14 | | Nguyen, Thi Hong Ngoc | 12430056 | VIE | 1493 |