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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
22nd ASEAN+ Age-group chess championships 2024 - Rapid Girls 14 اخر تحديث29.08.2024 16:30:21, منشئ/آخر رفع: Lao Chess Federation
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | | Dang, Le Xuan Hien | 12420514 | VIE | 1925 |
2 | | Rubin, Apple | 5262798 | PHI | 1869 |
3 | | Huynh, Phuc Minh Phuong | 12417874 | VIE | 1790 |
4 | | Quan, My Linh | 12421111 | VIE | 1761 |
5 | | Vu, Nguyen Bao Linh | 12427764 | VIE | 1727 |
6 | | Sotaridona, Iana Angela | 5262178 | PHI | 1677 |
7 | | Bui, Khanh Nguyen | 12424382 | VIE | 1658 |
8 | | Hoang, Nguyen Giang | 12427705 | VIE | 1655 |
9 | | Nguyen, Bao Chau | 12425303 | VIE | 1651 |
10 | | Do, Ha Trang | 12424250 | VIE | 1572 |
11 | | Dao, Nhat Minh | 12425290 | VIE | 1499 |
12 | | Tran, Ngoc Linh Tram | 12431575 | VIE | 1464 |
13 | | Dimatangihan, Anica Shey | 5258235 | PHI | 1454 |
14 | | Suelo, Ryzia Lei Zheysha | 17702038 | LAO | 0 |