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FIRST 1st �� PRIZE TYPO Wireless Headphones
SECOND 2nd PRIZE TYPO Wireless Keyboard
THIRD 3rd Prize TYPO Retro Flip Clock

ChessLab August Rapid 2024

Last update 30.08.2024 06:59:50, Creator/Last Upload: Lim Boon-Seng Christopher

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Starting rank

1Yeo, Evan Hunter5843529SGP1555
2Lin, Jie Timothy5835909SGP1497
3Mui, Javier5855985SGP1456
4Chow, Peter5841984SGP1437
5Siddharth, Siva Kumar5837120SIN1436
6Chan, Hwa Jin Collin5855721SGP0
7Chang, Nathan Rui Zhe5866642SGP0
8Chiam, Joel Lei Feng5847230SGP0
9Chow, Philip5845041SGP0
10Lee, Hon Luck Churchill5861632SGP0
11Leung, Markus5849608SGP0
12Liang, Hongyi5866812SGP0
13Lum, Liam5864666SGP0
14Lum, Linus5864674SGP0
15Ng, Dylan5866804SGP0
16Olivia Adijanto, Jan5857813SGP0
17Rohit, Rishi5861543SGP0
18Tay, Cameron5854911SGP0
19Zheng, Yi Jie5837898SGP0