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Altyn-Tuyun 240824 blitz 2 step

Last update 24.08.2024 13:32:27, Creator/Last Upload: Kyrgyz Chess Union

Starting rank list of players

12Turksoi, Zhanpolat13826905KGZ1813
8Orozobaev, Zamirbek13802437KGZ1792
6Surkeev, Shumkar13833952KGZ1702
1Sydykov, Ernazar13840444KGZ1694
7Anarkulov, Keremet13828207KGZ1610
11Medvedev, Fedor M34372539KGZ1589
10Murzakimov, Zhenishbek13840398KGZ1578
2Kazakov, Barsbek13834665KGZ1509
9Zhumaturdu, Kutmanbek13841190KGZ1434
3Damirbekov, ChyngyzKGZ0
5Taalaibekov, Elmyrza13850598KGZ0
4Zhumaturdu, Barsbek13841181KGZ0