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Saint Charbel Chess Cup 2 with the possibility of fulfilling GM, WGM, IM, WIM norms

Last update 14.10.2024 23:32:13, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

4GMOleksiyenko, Mykhaylo4152417UKR2572
1GMAsadli, Vugar13405764AZE2553
7IMMosesov, Danyil14149494UKR2453
3IMPavlov, Sergey14114330UKR2451
9IMGrekh, Andrey14112418UKR2388
6GMKislinsky, Alexey14108801CZE2355
2FMBaranciuc, Alexandr13908669MDA2338
10GMPacher, Milan14907445SVK2309
8FMFishchuk, Vladyslav34122117UKR2280
5FMDyachuk, Artem34107924UKR2263