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Torneo Rapido Semanal del Club Rey Blanco de Tapachula Categoria Libre

Seinast dagført23.08.2024 03:02:54, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

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1Fuentes, Guzman Victor Hugo5104815MEX1894Chiapas
2Castillo, Garcia Jose AlfredoMEX1764Estado de Mexico
3Guillen, Garcia Jose DavidMEX1730Chiapas
4Avendano, Angel Santiago AndreMEX1668Chiapas
5Santiz, Perez MauricioMEX1668Chiapas
6Vasquez, Hernandez Juan Carlos29627265MEX1624Chiapas
7Castillo, Gomez Stefany BelenMEX1613Chiapas
8Bustos, Aquino Darien AlexisMEX1608Chiapas
9Calderon, Estrada Carlos MiguelMEX1598Chiapas
10Matias, Morales JosueMEX1575Chiapas
11Guillen, Moreno Maria JoseMEX1563Chiapas
12Dominguez, Villatoro JafetMEX1548Cacahoatan
13Ross, Salgado Angel AdrianMEX1547Chiapas
14Espinoza, Gomez Sofia SarahiMEX1538Chiapas
15Reyes, Cancino Alice AdeleMEX1481Chiapas
16Castillo, Gomez Angel BartolomeMEX1456Chiapas
17Angel Lopez, EthanMEX0Cacahoatan
18Arreaza Ochoa, BarackMEX0Cacahoatan
19Blas Orozco, Andres de JesusMEX0Cacahoatan
20Blas Orozco, Josue PatricioMEX0Cacahoatan
21Diaz de la Cruz, AnahiMEX0
22Escobar Martinez, Rodrigo AlejandroMEX0
23Herenandez Carranza, Carlos ManuelMEX0Cacahoatan
24Hernandez Carranza, SalomonMEX0Cacahoatan
25Reyes Cancino, Maria BelenMEX0
26Reyes Cancino, Miriam GraceMEX0